Legal notice (compulsory reading)
- Access and use of this web page
- Contents of the Mecalux web page
- Intellectual and industrial property rights
- Waiver of responsibility
- Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction
Access and use of this web page
The MECALUX.COM website, managed by MECALUX, S.A. (whose details appear at the end of this Legal Notice), is a website designed to provide different information and activities on the MECALUX S.A organisation and the companies within the group. It also provides, through hypertext links to the websites of other organisations, the possibility of purchasing products sold by the company, such as taking out a subscription to the publication MECALUX NEWS.
Access to the MECALUX.COM website is conditioned by the Visitor previously having read and accepted this Legal Notice. When accessing the website as a Visitor, you expressly agree, fully and with no exceptions, to be bound by the totality of this Legal Notice published on the Portal at the time of access. If you do not agree with the Legal Notice, you cannot use or access this website.
The Visitor expressly accepts, without conditions of any type, that he/she accesses and uses this webpage freely, consciously and under his/her own and exclusive responsibility, having had read with attention and care this document entirely each time he/she decides to access as it may undergo modifications.
The contents that the user views is directed to persons and/or companies that are interested in receiving information about products and services that MECALUX S.A offers. The request for estimates is executed by the corresponding forms, without the implication of any type of contract. That is to say, the application issued is merely informative in nature, without any party being obliged by simply omitting or accepting it, and by no means will it be taken into account as a pre-contract or sales promise, nor as the implication of an electronic contract.
TopContents of the MECALUX website
MECALUX, S.A. puts at the Visitor's disposal all the information contained herein, accepting that all contents, despite vigilance in its preparation, may contain inaccuracies and errors.
Merely by visiting the website, the Visitor assumes, acknowledges and accepts that all data and information contained herein may contain errors, inaccuracies or may not be up to date. Therefore, The Visitor should not use the said information or data to take decisions which may imply economical consequences of any type for him/herself or for third parties without previously considering them against his/her own criteria and assuming responsibility for any outcomes.
At its discretion, MECALUX, S.A. reserves the right to update the contents of its webpage; to delete, limit and prevent access temporarily or definitively, and equally reserves the right to modify at any time the presentation, configuration and location of the website and conditions and requirements for access, not guaranteeing the availability nor the continual functioning of the web and other places where a link is established.
TopIntellectual and industrial property rights
The contents of this website (including but not limited to, texts, graphics, logos, icons, databases, images, archives, audio, video and software) are the property of MECALUX, S.A., of companies of the group that MECALUX, S.A. belongs to, or of customers and suppliers of the website content, and are protected by national and international standards regarding industrial and intellectual property. The compilation (i.e. the collection, layout, and organisation) of the entire website is the exclusive property of MECALUX, S.A. and is protected by national and international industrial and intellectual property laws. All software used on this website is owned by MECALUX, S.A., companies from the group to which MECALUX, S.A. belongs or by its software suppliers and is also protected by international and national intellectual and property laws.
The information on this portal may not be reproduced, modified copied, used, distributed, commercialised, or made public in any way or form or by any means, (including the design, configuration and layout of the website) without the authorisation of MECALUX, S.A.. Any unauthorised use will constitute a violation of intellectual property law.
Access to the information and contents of this webpage does not imply any type of waiver, processing, licence or total or partial cession of any right deriving from the intellectual and industrial property rights.
TopWaiver of responsibility
This website has been established in good faith by MECALUX, S.A. using information from legally obtained internal and external sources and is presented to Visitors in its current version, with the admission that it might contain inaccuracies and errors.
MECALUX, S.A. is not responsible for possible damages of any kind derived from information, contents, software, materials or products included in the website or in those which form its basis. Neither shall it be held responsible for the contents of web pages published by third parties accessible through hypertext links contained on the website. Specifically, MECALUX, S.A. is not responsible for any damages incurred, directly or indirectly, deriving from the service interruptions that affect the website.
MECALUX, S.A. does not assume responsibility for untrue (partial or complete), out-of-date and/or imprecise details or information of any kind. Neither is it responsible for the content, details or information acquired from third party websites.
Likewise, MECALUX, S.A. shall not be held responsible for the possible errors or deficiencies in the security of the Visitor's browser, which may be an outdated or insecure version, as it is not responsible for activating security mechanisms for keys or user codes on the browser, or for the damages, errors or inaccuracies which could arise from the malfunctioning of the same.
With the aim of reducing the risk of viruses on the website, MECALUX S.A. uses a virus detection programme to control all the contents it publishes on it. Nevertheless, this does not guarantee the absence of a virus or other elements introduced by third parties, and therefore, under no circumstances shall it be held responsible for damages or harm of any nature, that could derive from the presence of a virus and other elements that could produce alterations in the system or user files.
TopApplicable Legislation and Jurisdiction
The conditions of access to the website are subject to the Spanish legislation. The users and Mecalux agree expressly that it is the Spanish legislation that regulates the relationships arising from the access.
For the resolution of any conflict arising from accessing the web page, the user and Mecalux agree to submit expressly to the courts and tribunals to the city of Barcelona, renouncing to any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond.
N.I.F.: A-08/244.998
Silici, 1,
08940 Cornellà (Barcelona) Spain
Barcelona Mercantile Register Volume 1797 Book 1214 Page 23 Sheet 16702